Frank's Blog

ChatGpt based Tools

Introducing the latest addition to the world of presentation tools – PPT Automation! Recently, I spent two months developing this cutting-edge tool that is designed to save you time and effort by automating the slide creation process. This cutting-edge tool leverages the power of ChatGPT, an advanced language model, to create PPT slides automatically.

With PPT Automation, you no longer need to spend hours creating slides from scratch or searching for suitable templates. Simply provide the tool with your content, and it does the rest!

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Intents Classification

With the development of AI technologies, AI-powered call center solutions can use natural language processing and sentiment analysis to automatically route calls to the most appropriate agent based on the caller’s language, tone, and emotional state. This can help improve call resolution rates and reduce customer wait times.

Contact Drver Analysis (CDA) is able to help call center identify the most high frequent questions or topics during the calls. The key technique of this analysis is Intent Classification.

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Prioritize Your Prospects

Suppose you are a manufacturer, you plan to sell your products to retail stores, how would you decide which retail stores to connect first given the huge amount of retail stores in US?

A good solution is utilizing machine learning techniques to build up a prioritization model and generate a score for each retail store. The end goal of this solution is to maximize your potential revenue/profits by saling your products to the best retail stores.

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Why Simulation In Machine Learning

Sometimes it is necessary to introduce simulation into machine learning training. Today I will explain why and give you a real project example to show the value of Simulation.

AI is something like - Everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it. Personaly, I feel like Simulation face the same probelm.

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What Is Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is a powerful metric that can help businesses measure the total value that a customer brings to the company over their entire lifetime. Understanding CLV is essential for companies that want to optimize their customer acquisition and retention strategies, increase revenue, and improve customer satisfaction. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at CLV, why it’s important, how to calculate it, and how to predict it for a new customer.

CLV help you identify their most valuable customers!

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New Product Diffusion & Adoption

New product diffusion refers to the process by which a new product is introduced into the market and gains acceptance among customers. It is a complex process that involves the product’s adoption by consumers and the market’s acceptance of the product.

The successful introduction of a new product can drive revenue growth for the company. By creating a strong product launch strategy that considers the key factors that influence the rate of adoption, such as product benefits, price, and distribution, the marketing team can increase the likelihood of successful diffusion and generate significant revenue.

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Newsvendor Problem

The newsvendor problem or newsvendor inventory problem is a classic problem in operations management, supply chain and applied economics. There are many variants of newsvendor problem with the situation faced by a business owner who must decide how many daily orders to stock in the face of uncertain demand and knowing that unsold products will be worthless or at least require inventory cost at the end of the day. The business owner needs to decide a sequence of daily orders to maximize the profits based on the observable data such as daily sales and daily inventory, etc.

The newsvendor problem is an important problem in supply chain management and inventory control because it represents a fundamental trade-off between the costs of overstocking and understocking in the face of uncertain demand. This problem arises in many different contexts and industries, and finding an optimal solution to the newsvendor problem can result in significant cost savings and revenue increases.

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Suspicious Transaction Monitoring System

A Suspicious Transaction Monitoring System (STMS) is a software-based system used by banks and other financial institutions to monitor and identify potentially suspicious transactions. The system uses algorithms and rules to analyze transactional data in real-time or in batches to identify transactions that may be indicative of money laundering, terrorist financing, or other financial crimes.

The Suspicious Transaction Monitoring System (STMS) is very important to bank compliance department as the STMS is typically used by banks as part of their compliance efforts to identify and prevent money laundering and other illicit financial activities.

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Import Python Files To Notebook

How to import python files into a jupyter notebook?

Ans: There are mutiple ways to address this issue. The best solution is install the python file as a package.

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Use Case Assessment Framework

Assume you are an expert in a specific field, let’s say AI. You have ton of experience and knowledge of AI theory and practice. You are trying to sale your expertise to a client, how to target best use cases and assess your proposaed use cases for your client? I have a framework for you to speed up your identification process for the use case proposal.

Most of time, your clients don’t really know what they want, you need to help them figure this out!

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