Frank's Blog

Use Case Assessment Framework

Assume you are an expert in a specific field, let’s say AI. You have ton of experience and knowledge of AI theory and practice. You are trying to sale your expertise to a client, how to target best use cases and assess your proposaed use cases for your client? I have a framework for you to speed up your identification process for the use case proposal.

Most of time, your clients don’t really know what they want, you need to help them figure this out!

Use Case Evaluation Framework

  1. Interview your clients and understand their needs, particularly the needs of end-user and stakeholders.
  2. Explore relevant use cases from your inventory based on the interview.
  3. Deep dive into the filtered use cases and try to fill out a criteria table as follows.
  4. Prioritize the use cases based on the evaluation crietia.


Use Case Evalucation criteria

Ease of execution Overall business value
Strategic importance Simplicity of data
Potential Value Ease of analytics & modeling
Ease of consumption Ease of implementation

Strategic importance: The use case has the potential to provide siginicant competitive advatage or can be monitize. Usually, customer, sales & marketing use cases is able to provide more stratrgic impact.

Potential value: The use case impacting market size and penetration. customer churn, enterprice growth, etc considered to enable more value.

Ease of consumption: The use case evaluated as to what extend it can utilized on regular business.

Simplicity of data: The ease to collect the required data and the complexty & quality of data.

Ease of analytics & modeling: The ease to develop models and perform analytics for the use case.

Ease of implementation: The ease of integration into existing business, change management, model deployment on the production env.